Directors: Zach Ingrasci, Chris Temple, Sean Leonard
Cast: Chris Temple, Zach Ingrasci, Ryan Christoffersen, Sean Leonard
Run Time: 56 minutes
Rated: NR
Living On One Dollar
Living on One Dollar is a film and tool to help empower the extreme poor to take the first steps out of poverty.
The film follows the story of four young friends who set out to live on just one dollar a day for eight weeks in rural Guatemala. They battle hunger, parasites and the realization that there are no easy answers. Yet, the generosity and strength of Rosa, a 20 year old woman, and Chino, a 12 year old boy gives them resilient hope that there are effective ways to make a difference.
Join Zach and Chris as they narrate this gripping journey of understanding. You will come away with a deep empathy for the people of Peña Blanca and feel empowered that you CAN change the world.